Thursday, January 20, 2011

Harvest Moon

To the outside world Harvest Moon is a school for the children of the rich in this world. On the inside the wish it was that simple. These teenagers are the mythical creatures that you read about in books, only they aren't just stories. This is a place for them to hide from the oblivious world around them. Half-bloods, Vampires, shape shifters and all of the creatures you have dreamed about... or had nightmares about. Other than these distinctive qualities it's just a normal co-ed boarding school. Almost. There's an incredible journey for everyone, in romance... and physically.

Aurora Bailey may seem like a normal girl to you, but in reality...she's probably the farthest away from normal you can get. Something along the lines of her being able to control the elements and her being the current mother nature might have something to do with it. As she starts to discover her powers, she also starts to discover the threats that her power brings. When the school year starts, so does her life. Both the good and the bad. The births and the deaths. Her friends and even more, her foes.

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